Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thinking "Big Island"


In my May newsletter I talk about why a leader needs to be equally attentive to both sides of the island.

I don't subscribe to the East Side-West Side mentality and I'm committed to giving equal attention, equal importance to all areas of the island. If elected Mayor I pledge to spend at least 1 in 10 working days in West Hawaii to learn hands-on about issues affecting an area and to help bring government to the people.

A PDF version is available at

-- Stacy Higa

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Creative Solutions, Decisive Action

I wanted to thank the members of the Community Enterprises Kona Town Meeting last night who invited me to speak at the Mayoral Forum. It was the first chance for many people to finally meet me in person, and I appreciate the large turnout of support.

Kona is a special place for me. My mother Rose grew up with the Charles Nahale family on the grounds of Kahalu`u, and my earliest memories are of playing where the Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort stands today. So I understand the changes that are affecting Kona. Unfortunately, many of those changes have brought rapid and unplanned growth.

This is why I am still fighting to complete the Mamalahoa Bypass. Last night I announced that I am going to propose the Hokulia property be designated as a special Community Facilities District (CFD), which will give a taxing authority to the County and will finance the Mamalahoa Bypass road. My preliminary conversations with the county and the developers have been favorable and I am optimistic this is the type of creative solution and decisive action that will help alleviate Kona’s traffic issues. A good mayor needs to get out there and find the best solution. It’s a hands on job. Let’s tackle it and get this off the board.

-- Stacy Higa

P.S. Learn more about how I will improve county roadways at

Friday, May 2, 2008

Response to a Concerned Taxpayer

I recently received an e-mail from a “Concerned Taxpayer” asking why a court has allegedly ruled in favor of a plaintiff who has made false and baseless accusations. This is a very important question, and I’d like to address it.

The case in question is far from over. No one knows if any judgment has been made. If there were any rulings then I can say that they do not involve me and would not be the result of my actions. Although a judge has sealed the case, it is a matter of public record that the County has not written any checks to anyone. When people look into this Plaintiff’s history, there will be some startling information. I think that is the reason why the case was sealed. It is very common for people to sue the County for frivolous reasons. They are hoping for easy money during an election year. It won’t happen this time. This claim has no merit, and I am fighting to get this corrected. As an elected official, I have always fought to protect the County, and I still am trying to do that.

I welcome the opportunity to answer any additional questions posted here.

-- Stacy Higa