Thursday, March 6, 2008

Hokulia Bypass Resolution

Six months ago, the Third Circuit Court ruled the County of Hawaii had the legal right to use a small piece of land owned by the Coupes as part of a larger road that would greatly improve the quality of life for all. Since then, the previous owners have filed an appeal because they disagree with this ruling.

I have submitted a non-binding resolution to the County Council to urge the Dept. of Public Works to move forward and build the 1,000 feet of road over the Coupe property so the last 2.05 miles of the Hokulia bypass can be finished. I am doing this for several reasons:

First, no matter how the courts rule, the County will be financially responsible for this road. That’s because if Hokulia builds the road, then Hokulia will have the County issue a “Hold Harmless Indemnification,” which would protect them from any liability. In other words, the County would be forced to pay if the courts find in favor of the Coupes. My resolution tries to simplify the process by leaving Hokulia out of the court issue. The resolution will also make the County's court case stronger when the appeal is heard. Therefore, this seems to be the best solution for our County and for our citizens.

Another reason I am proposing this is because this road affects everyone living in Hawaii County, not just people living in Kona. I think about all the people who live and work in District 4 who have to commute to Kona for business and personal errands. I personally have family and friends in Kona, as do many people living in Hilo. I am just one of many Hilo residents who have to drive back and forth across this island.

A third reason I came up with this idea is because people were telling me they didn’t like any of the other alternatives. When I mentioned this idea, everyone seemed to really like it and said it had the best chance of working.

I think to solve our County’s problems we have to stop thinking about just our own districts. We have to be willing to reach out and work with others. Our problems have become too big and too complex. We can’t just think about our own neighborhoods anymore. That might have worked 20 years ago, but we are growing and we are all connected.

As Mayor, I will continue to listen, no matter how difficult things become. I hope you will join me in coming up with creative solutions that will get the job done. Please let me know what you think about this idea.

Stacy Higa

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