Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blessings in Disguise

One of the best things about being a candidate for Mayor is getting to meet so many people from all around the island.

Folks are excited about all the new possibilities. I was at the bank recently and somehow got to speak to six people about the experience I would bring to the Mayor's office and the changes I think we need to move our island forward. The group spent 45 minutes talking about various issues, and then someone asked me about a negative article they saw in the newspaper.

Then I realized something -- unfortunate circumstances can be a blessing. It is only thru difficult times that people can get a glimpse of how I handle issues, and will continue to handle issues if I am elected mayor. I don't try to avoid issues, even though they may be uncomfortable and filled with misinformation and untrue allegations. But I handle those things like I handle everything else -- truthfully, honestly and openly.

If you happen to have a question or concern or there is one issue in particular that you care about, please send me a message at "" Give me the chance to respond to you directly and openly.

In the meantime, thank you for visiting. I hope you will give me the chance to earn your vote in November.

Stacy Higa

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Opposed to Gas Tax Increase

Some of you may have read the news about the need for County Council to hold a public meeting to re-authorize the 8.8 cent per gallon county tax on gasoline, which has been in place since 1988.

I have no problem keeping the current 8.8 cents, but I am absolutely opposed to any increase. In fact, I don’t think the County Council should even discuss an increase, as I believe there are other ways to raise the needed money to build and repair roads.

If you oppose an increase to the gasoline tax, then please support my position at the meeting, which is scheduled for 6 p.m. on March 11 in Kona. You can read more about the issue here:

There are many other ways to fund road repairs. Any increase in the gas tax would hurt the most rural areas of our island most. Communities like Pahala, Ka`u and Ocean View have to truck in gas, and that makes fuel much more expensive.

In general, raising the gas tax is unfair because our citizens have to drive much further than anyone else in the state. People from other islands do not drive as much as we do, or fill up their cars as much as we do, or buy as much fuel as we do. So of course our gasoline tax should be the lowest in the state! We already pay the highest gasoline taxes in the nation, and there is no justification for any increase.

Stacy Higa

Monday, February 4, 2008

Kung Hee Fat Choy

February 7th marks the beginning of a new Lunar year and the Year of the Rat.

In the Chinese tradition, a "Rat year" is a time of hard effort, productivity and new beginnings -- a great way to start an election year! People born under the Year of the Rat are considered to be clever and bright, sociable and family-minded.

I was born in 1963, which is the "Year of the Rabbit." It is considered to be the luckiest of the 12 animal signs. According to "The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes," the rabbit is a symbol for "mercy and amiability." It says people born under this sign are kind and loving, and are often reserved with a love of arts and a strong sense of justice. I think that describes me. They also say that people born under this sign "understand what life really means." For me, that means family, community and giving back to the next generation.

May your family be blessed with happiness and prosperity during this time of new beginnings.

Stacy Higa