Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tough Times Ahead for the County

As I stated on the council floor during the budget hearings, I feel that the county is already feeling the effects of the economic downturn. The soaring price of gas and food have already started to affect household budgets. Many businesses, construction companies, and hotels have started to notify employees of pending cuts or layoffs.

How does this affect the county? The county has to be prepared with some sort of stimulus package to help our local economy. The private sector is so vital in making sure that jobs and local money are flowing and maintaining our economy. The county has to really look at how efficient we are running, and do what ever it takes to make sure that the services available to the public are maintained without adding to our government. It will take a strong and decisive leader to carry us through these difficult times. I anticipate more social agencies and non profits will be in financial need, as they try and help the many people that may be in distress. I anticipate county revenue will be impacted by less support from the Federal and State, the money realized from our tourism industry I believe will be lessened, and I also think that county tax revenue will not be any where near what we have grown accustomed to. Tough times are upon us.

My work on the council has prepared me to understand how to deal with these tough times. Please contact me or come to one of my talk story sessions that we are putting on around the island in the next few weeks. I look forward to sharing my vision and and hearing some of your ideas or concerns. Working together, One Island and One Vision.