Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Malicious E-mail

Because our campaign is a small, grassroots effort, we have been using a free e-mail service to interact with our volunteers. Recently our campaign e-mail was attacked by a malicious piece of spam mailer software that hijacked our address book and sent suspicious messages asking people to join what appears to be a social networking site. I am in no way affiliated with this company, and did not authorize them to use my campaign's name or e-mail addresses. The campaign is looking into the matter, and are taking steps to improve the safety and security of our campaign communications.

If you received one of these messages, please accept my apologies and do not click on any of the links, not even the “unsubscribe” button. You can set your e-mail program to permanently block all mail from and If you need help doing this, please contact me at and a volunteer will assist you.

Stacy Higa

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Queen Kaahumanu Highway

There has been a lot of coverage in West Hawaii Today about the delays associated with the widening of Queen Kaahumanu highway. I think poor communication has made things worse. If more people knew what was going on –- in other words, better communication from various people just explaining what the delays are -- then people would likely be more understanding. But the lack of communication has caused unnecessary anger and frustration, and that’s not fair to the people of Kona. So, here’s my explanation of what is going on with this project.

The main issue, I think, is a lack of coordinated planning between the County and the State. There was no conversation between the County and the State during the preliminary stages. One example of this is, it was only when the State came in and started to realign the highway that the County realized it needed to go in and upgrade the sewer system for the Kealakehe Waste Water Treatment Plant. The sewer upgrade, as well as the realignment of potable water pipes along the route, has caused the delays.

I understand the frustration caused by the delays and the lack of communication. However, in the long run I think it is better to have the delay now. Imagine what it would be like to go ahead with the project and then have to come back one year later, stop traffic, and re-dig and retrench a newly paved four-lane highway to put in wastewater pipes.

As mayor, I will make sure my administration not only follows up with the State on upcoming projects, but actually takes the initiative to push and prod the State to make sure everything is coordinated, finding out in advance -– before these large projects even begin -– what the related issues are or how the County can better plan to tie in its impending projects into the process.

Stacy Higa

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Happy New Year

I recently took some time off with my family and friends to reflect on the past year and what the future might hold for our island. Now, more than ever, I think we are at a crossroads. I look at some of the issues before the County Council, and I’m disappointed with some of the direction and expenditures that are taking place. My wish for 2008 is that more people will take a hard look at the issues, and ask themselves if they like what’s happening at the Council level, at the Mayoral level, and what we can do to shape things at a local level.

As Council representative, I am also at a crossroads. I know I will not be coming back to the County Council; that is a decision I have made. I have decided the best way to serve Hawaii Island is from the Mayor's office, and I hope you will give me the chance to earn your vote. I don’t want this to be a popularity contest. I want you to decide who will give the best leadership, the best direction for our county government, the most opportunities for our County employees. I hope my experience, my energy, and my passion will earn your vote for a better island and a better future. With your support we will make a difference.

Stacy Higa